Specify Behaviors with Tests

Use Helper Methods

What? Helper methods? Whenever I see a class called Helper in code I think that the developer who wrote it wasn’t willing to take the time to discover what objects were really responsible for those behaviors. Although we would like to believe otherwise, in reality, there is no benevolent helper class in the world that …

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Specify Behaviors with Tests

Instrument Your Tests

Here is the first of seven blog posts based on the section in my book, Beyond Legacy Code: Nine Practices to Extend the Life (and Value) of Your Software, called Seven Strategies for Using Tests as Specifications. In this first post, I’ll discuss a technique called instrumentation that I learned from Scott Bain and Amir …

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Specify Behaviors with Tests

Why Practice 7: Specify Behaviors with Tests

Developing software is a complex activity. Having worked with thousands of professional software developers, I recognize that there are many ways to implement any set of requirements and many are equally valid. This is true at least from the computer’s perspective but from the human perspective, we favor software that’s straightforward to understand and modify …

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