Integrate Continuously

Write Testable Code

This has become my favorite subject because it turns out that testability, above nearly every other metrics, is important to strive for in developing software. All other code qualities seem to be a reflection of testability. When I say testable code what I mean is code that can be verified programmatically and in a very …

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Integrate Continuously

Define Acceptance Criteria

“You are done, finished. Time to move on.” How I long to hear those words when I’m working on a task. Specifications can be squishy and it can be difficult sometimes to determine if the task is complete or not. Software developers don’t want to gold plate. The problem is that we often don’t know …

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Integrate Continuously

Integrate Continuously

I believe that continuous integration is at the very heart of Agile software development. It allows us to go fast by going small. What I mean by this is that we learn by building in small increments that it’s more straightforward to create modular software that’s independently verifiable and by building smaller it gives us …

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Integrate Continuously

One-Click Builds End-to-End

We want to automate the build so that it is easy to use. We wanted to be so brain-dead simple to use that we use it all the time and we invoke the build whenever we make even a minor change to the system. This is how we get the most value from our build–when …

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Integrate Continuously

Use Version Control for Everything

Version control is an important part of file management on every software development project I’ve ever worked on in the last two decades, regardless of the methodology. I’ve used Subversion and Git and several others in the process of building software.  I always find it a bit surprising that other industries don’t use version control …

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