
Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast

I spoke with Vasco Duarte at Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast on April 18, 2016, on several different topics. Here are the five episodes topics: Monday (18 Apr 2016): David Bernstein on learning to break stories down Tuesday (19 Apr 2016): David Bernstein on the Us vs. Them mentality Wednesday (20 Apr 2016): David Bernstein on metaphor as a …

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Bits and Pieces

Technical Excellence

Ten years after the Agile Manifesto was signed into being, the original authors got back together to review the progress made in the last decade. It was Jeff Sutherland who said, “Demanding technical excellence is a top priority for the next ten years.” But what is technical excellence? Given the state of the software industry …

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Bits and Pieces

The Iron Triangle

There are three main constraints in manufacturing that are sometimes referred to as the “iron triangle.” These are scope, time, and resources. In manufacturing they say, “Pick two of these three things to flex, but one must remain fixed.” But this model does not apply to software development. Scope refers to the size of the …

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Bits and Pieces

Think Like an Expert

Experts in any field organize their knowledge in specific ways. They have their own unique vocabulary and draw on specific analogies and metaphors. They have established key beliefs and distinctions around their expertise, and though they understand their subject their understanding maybe different and deeper than the rest of us. All experts draw on skills …

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Bits and Pieces

Stop Anticipating

I generally find that developers engage in one of two different activities when it comes to making future changes: they either anticipate or accommodate. Anticipating change comes from a good place, a place of caring, but can be ineffective and stressful. I spent much of my career trying to anticipate code changes so that my …

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