Seven Strategies

Seven Strategies for Fixing Bugs

Bugs are the bane of the software industry. They can be difficult to find and costly to fix. How we deal with bugs has a big impact on our software development process. We can use bugs to show us ways of improving our process so that similar bugs aren’t created again. Here are seven strategies …

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Bits and Pieces

Seven Strategies for Burning Down Risk

Developing software is risky and expensive. Software is formless and hard to understand. Subtle interaction can cause software to affect seemingly unrelated components. A good development process focuses on mitigating risk by finding problems early, before they become showstoppers, and while there’s still time to resolve them. 1. Integrate continuously Creating a system that can …

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Bits and Pieces

Seven Strategies for Measuring Value in Software

Software is different from tangible goods and it must be measured differently. The tasks that developers do are different from day to day, so we can’t directly measure productivity in any meaningful, normalized way. I often advise teams not to measure velocity because it can send the wrong message and give management the wrong goals. …

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Refactor Legacy Code

Seven Strategies for What to Refactor

Okay, you got the time and management approval to refactor some code. What do you do with it? Refactoring legacy code can be like unraveling a knotted rope and it can be hard to figure out where to start. Here are seven strategies for determining what to refactor. 1. Remove dead code Dead code is …

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Refactor Legacy Code

Seven Strategies for When to Refactor

Given that there’s more code that could be refactored than our industry can handle, we have to decide what code should be refactored and what code doesn’t need it. If production software works fine and doesn’t need to be extended then there’s no need to refactor the code. Refactoring code is risky and expensive so …

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Refactor Legacy Code

Seven Strategies for Helping You Justify Why to Refactor

Refactoring is improving the internal structure of code without changing its external behavior. Refactoring gives developers another chance to improve their designs and often gives management a cheaper and less risky way to ready an existing system for adding new features. Here are seven strategies to help you justify why to refactor code. 1. To …

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Seven Strategies for Effective Retrospectives

Scrum is all about inspecting and adapting so it’s important to make time to reflect with the team and gain insights on what can be improved. Regular retrospectives are a good way to get the team in the habit of looking at what they did and how they can improve. Here are seven strategies for …

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Seven Strategies for Better Code Reviews

Code reviews are an important way for the team to learn and understand the parts of a system they aren’t working on. Code reviews also give developers feedback on their work. They help the team provide consistency in the code they write and help propagate good development practices throughout the team. Here are seven strategies …

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Seven Strategies

Seven Strategies for Cleaner Code

Clean code is code that is understandable and maintainable. It’s design is clear, entities are well named, and developers aren’t scared to work with it. Clean code doesn’t happen by accident, it requires attention but it can make a big difference for those who have to work in the code. Here are seven strategies for …

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Create CLEAN Code

Seven Strategies for Increasing Code Quality

People define quality in software in many ways. Some define quality as software that does what the customer wants. Others define quality as software that runs fast. Still others define quality as software that’s error-free. We all agree these are good things but are they all effects of a single cause, and if so, how …

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Build in Small Batches

Seven Strategies for Splitting Stories

The shorter the story the better. Short stories are easier to estimate, understand, and implement. Short stories help create cohesive, uncoupled code. Short stories are easier to test. But how do we turn big stories into shorter ones? Here are seven strategies for splitting stories. 1. Break down compound stories into components If a story …

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Build in Small Batches

Seven Strategies for Writing Better Stories

“As a blogging developer, I want to share a post on writing stories so that readers find value in it.” It helps to focus on what we want to build and for whom. Here are seven strategies for writing better stories. 1. See it as a placeholder Stories alone are not meant to replace requirements. …

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