Bits and Pieces

Beyond Waterfall Software Development

Developing software in short sprints requires a different approach than traditional software development, though it seems strange to call something only a few decades old “traditional.” Winston Royce coined the term “waterfall software development” in 1970 and he said in that very same article that we shouldn’t use it because it doesn’t really work. Many …

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Bits and Pieces

Finding the Right Metaphors

In his book, Domain Driven Design, Eric Evans said that there really is no such thing as complexity, complexity happens when we diverge from our models, when we use metaphors inconsistently, and I tend to agree. Very involved systems can be easy to understand as long as they adhere to an appropriate set of metaphors. …

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Bits and Pieces


Our job as developers is less about being clever or finding efficient algorithms and more about simply perceiving the problem and representing it as accurately as possible. This is an exciting shift in software development because it means our goal is really about understanding. Once we understand a problem everything else can fall into place …

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Bits and Pieces

Avoiding Integration Hell

Perhaps the most important yet easiest to implement of all the software development practices in Agile is continuous integration. Continuous integration is simply creating an infrastructure where the code that is being built can be integrated into the project immediately. One of the biggest challenges when writing software is the dependency relationship between the code …

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The Importance of Technical Practices

Software development has undergone many revolutions over the last few decades and the way we build software today is fundamentally different than the way we did just a few years ago. Our industry is maturing and we are beginning to pay attention to the quality of our work. No longer is just fulfilling the specification …

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