Master Agile Technical Practices Online

Ever felt the fear of making a small change and having everything crash down? Take this class and learn a better way to live and develop without fear.”

— D.J. Hagberg, Software Architect

Use this class to learn about how to develop using the best practices of emergent design, with enough of an introduction to allow for months, if not years of further study.”

– Edwin Howard, Manager, Marine Systems Division

Take the course. It will change how you approach software development.”

— Eric Huber, Senior Software Developer

This class is essential to any technical professional in a development environment. The approaches covered will help with every phase of the development cycle on any size team or project.”

— Tyler Ashbridge, Director of Systems Development

Take it; have your team take it together. Make time for this class.”

— Edward J. Newton, Software Development Manager, Certified ScrumMaster

One of the most interesting and interactive trainings that I have ever taken part in.”

— Brandon Whitaker, Software Engineer

Lots of confirmation and expansion of ideas I already had but couldn’t necessarily express well. Plus, lots of new ideas and techniques I’d never considered.”

– Matt Smith, Senior Developer/QA Engineer

Not knowing what the latest tools to use or books to read, this class allowed us to understand the latest practices and tools and how to apply them in our current working environment.”

– Doug Parris, Senior Software Engineer

This was a great class! David distills a vast amount of agile related information into successful practices with direct application in our work.”

— Mike Jassmann, IT Manager

This is a great class that will start you on the path to becoming a great programmer and an invaluable asset to your company.”

– Vincent Quiles, Programmer Analyst

If you are a developer, this class will most certainly make you better. And most importantly, your TDD skills after the class will make test engineers really work to find the few possible bugs.”

– Jani Veteli, Test Engineer

We will be significantly faster at accommodating last-minute things that always seem to come up in our work.”

— Martin Murphy, Senior Scientist

This material can be learned from books but you won’t grasp it as well or as quickly as you could by attending this class, believe me, I’ve tried.”

– Nishan Ragoonanan, Supervisor

This class will be of value to anyone who wants to improve the quality of the software they produce. It is of benefit to developers, managers, and customers (product owners).”

– Christopher Meany, Software Engineer

If you are interested in learning techniques that guarantee high quality code—take this class—the payback will start immediately and be significant.”

– Jonathan Lister, SOA Architect/Platform Product Owner

David’s course is excellent to learn about the techniques and practices for improving code quality and maintainability. In an agile environment where tenets become critical, this knowledge is a blessing.”

— Katie Scott, Senior UI Developer

Any expectations you have will be exceeded. You will be a better developer afterwards, even if your company does not utilize Scrum.”

— Keith Prokasky, Senior Software Engineer, Certified ScrumMaster

I was impressed both by how you managed to pack so much material in a short course and by the intensity and value of the hands-on lab work.”

— Sergey Panov, Senior Test Engineer

This class renewed my enthusiasm for the love of software development...[David’s] enthusiasm is infectious, and you might find that you start thinking better about software development practices.”

— Mark Walsen, Owner/Developer, Notation Software

This course takes Scrum out of the conceptual and puts it into the practical."

— Kevin Hallquist, Software Design Engineer, Certified ScrumMaster

If you’re wondering what practices and methodologies people have discovered in the past couple of decades and you don’t want to read at least 10 books, take this course.”

— Min Han, Senior Solutions Developer

If you want to know a better and more effective way of thinking and working with software, then don’t miss this class.”

— Javier Espana, Designer/Developer

Taking this class has made me realize that there is a better path to follow, which will not only improve the way I work but improve the software I create. I would say take the class and let it change your life.”

– Stephen Jones, GIS Architect

If you are a development team and your organization is not happy with the value (productivity/quality) being brought forward, you could not make a wiser investment than sending your developers through this course.”

– Dickie Martin, Manager, Software Development

This course helped me understand how to build quality software in a sustainable manner and to better support our software development organization.”

– Mikko Ala-Fossi, Development Manager

I was impressed and surprised at how well the curriculum challenged our whole team despite a wide range of experience levels, yet no one seemed left behind.”

– Bobby Driggs, .NET Developer

I learned how to think effectively about code quality. I learned principles and practices of effective design. David’s teaching style is very engaging and clear. I would highly recommend this class to any level of developer.”

— Todd Froyland, Senior Tech Lead/Architect

This course proved a clear insight into the thought-process behind writing great code. I now have a much better understanding of what the hell I’m doing.”

– Jon Robins, Sr. Systems Engineer

This class is absolutely essential for a modern software developer.”

— Arkadiy Tseytlin, Software Developer

This was the best course I have ever attended, even though I’m a test engineer at the moment. I think this course is a must for all software developers.”

– Mika Lofgren, Lead Test Engineer

"See what my Software Developer Essentials training can do for you."


To Be Agile

I’m David Bernstein of To Be Agile.

I help software development teams improve their development process and master technical practices to rapidly deliver quality software. Using a combination of training and consultation, I’ll show you how to master practices such as test-driven development, refactoring, and continuous delivery.

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Blog Posts


Measure Progress

Many teams seem to set lofty goals for improvement only to fall short of achieving them. The problem is often not with the goals but the lack of measurement and accountability. Without a way to measure progress, goals remain just an idea in the conceptual realm, and teams are less likely to strive for them. …

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Empower People

I’ve seen my fair share of successes and failures in Agile implementations. From my experience, the most common reason for failure is the lack of empowerment for people. Many organizations implement Agile without truly empowering their people, leading to a culture of fear, resistance, and lack of ownership. Empowerment is not just a buzzword. It’s …

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Listen to Everyone

Retrospectives are an essential part of Agile Software Development. They allow teams to reflect on their performance, identify areas for improvement, and make changes that will help them work better together. However, a retrospective is only as good as the input it receives. Listening to everyone on the team, not just the most vocal members, …

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