Developer Essentials Training - Live Online

Developer Essentials Training Courses from To Be Agile

This Developer Essentials Training program is presented live, online in full-day or half-day sessions

This immersive, forty-hour Developer Essentials Training contains a set of two comprehensive component courses that provide the knowledge and skills to become a successful Agile software developer and a valuable member of a development team. It can be delivered in full-day or half-day sessions.

In the Agile Analysis and Design Patterns course, you will explore Agile Frameworks and how to use them to support faster and simpler software development as well as discover core design principles and patterns to guide you in building more maintainable code. In the Hands-On: Extreme Programming Practices course, you’ll learn how to write higher quality code more quickly and with fewer defects using practices from Extreme Programming (XP) that include test-first development, refactoring, and emergent design, as well as a variety of Agile problem-solving techniques (more).

2025 Public Training Schedule

April 14 – 17, 2025 – Agile Analysis and Design Patterns

Half-Day Sessions Online

May 13 – 16, 2025 – Agile Analysis and Design Patterns 

Half-Day Sessions Online

Alternatively, you can join the waitlist to be notified when my public online classes are scheduled.

I offer discounted classes for various reasons when you register two, four, or six people for the same combo classes and scholarships. You can also bring this class in-house or online in a private session for your developers. See my FAQ or contact me for more details.

Free Webinar Series

Presented in sixty minutes, with an optional thirty minutes for Q&A

These free webinars are for all software development team members and will benefit architects; designers and developers; development and product managers; software engineers/programmers; testers and QA engineers; and technical analysts, leads, and writers. Familiarity with basic Object-Oriented (OO) concepts and terminology is recommended.

Which When Where What
Five Essential Practices for Agile Software Development
Coming Soon… Online Register Soon
More webinars coming soon…

Contact me for a free one-hour phone consultation or to arrange an on-site or online training for your group.